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How to track influencer campaigns? Three best practices to track influencer campaigns.

· 6 min read
Elton Wang

Today, I’m going to talk about brands utilize the power of influencer marketing. Before we dive into the three ways that you can track your campaigns, I want to talk about why it's important to track your campaigns.

It's really important to track your influencer campaigns. Because you want to be able to see what worked what didn't work. And that way you can make better informed decisions for your future campaigns. Just to make sure that those are really successful. And you don't make the same mistakes as before. For example you're using five influencers for one campaign they sit in all the content. You're starting to see some increased engagement new followers maybe and some increased website traffic? What if you're not properly tracking the influencer campaigns then you're not sure which influencer really bought you all that traffic right. What if you were properly tracking your influencer campaigns then you would know that you want to work with influencer A again because she bought all of the website traffic and influencer D she didn't really bring anything her audience wasn't into the campaign. So you're probably not gonna work with her again. That's why it's super important to put some systems in place to where you can properly track your campaign.

Let's get into the three ways that you can track your campaigns.


The first way that you can track your influencer campaigns is by using a UTM link and this one is by far my favorite and I don't think a lot of business owners use this one but you should. So what a UTM link is it's really simple it's just a customization link that you create for free on Omnitrack there's a generator type in all the information that you want to put in there and it just spits out a link for you. It's totally not so all you're gonna do is put your website URL in right there where it says campaign source we're gonna put the influencer name the medium we're gonna put the social channel and the campaign name we're just gonna put the campaign name and then down here is the link you're just gonna copy that and you can see it says our URL and the source the influencer name the medium and then the campaign it's all set to go you just copy it and paste it wherever you need it. Using a UTM link is really good for brands who really want to see a greater return on their investment when using influencer because the UTM link is linked to your website's Google Analytics. You really have all this data stored up from all your influencer campaigns. You can look in depth to see what's really working for you, what type of contents working, what's driving the most traffic to your website. Because as a business owner that's something that you really want to know. You want to know what's getting people off our social and onto your website. The UTM link consists of three components source, medium and campaign. The source is where it's coming from. The medium is how it's coming to you. And the campaign is why it's coming to you. So think about it like this the source is the influencers name. It's the where it's coming from influencer A. The medium is how it's coming to you that's the social channel so it'd be like TikTok, Instagram, YouTube whatever. And the campaign name is why so you can literally just make that the campaign name. So you understand this was the summer campaign. Using a UTM link is really simple. You literally just create the link give it to the influencers so they can put it in their link and during the duration of the campaign. Then you have all this information that's being steadily fed into your GA4 properties. I would definitely recommend this is my number one choice. If you really want to get ahead of the curve of not making so many mistakes when it comes to using influencers for your brand.

2.Landing Page

The second way that you can track your influencer campaigns is another one that I don't think a lot of brands use. But you really should and it's using a unique landing page for each influencer. You may be thinking why would I go through the trouble to create a landing page for each influencer. I'm gonna tell you why it's because I want you to think about what a landing page does. It captures information right tracking your campaigns with using customized landing pages is a great way for brands. That really want to beef up their brand awareness and really build a community around your brand so think about it like this it's really a win-win for both parties. You're just gonna give the influencer the link to the customized landing page and when their audience goes there they're going to receive a discount code of your choosing. But they have to input their name and their email in order to receive the discount code you see where I'm going with this so this is really cool. Because instead of the audience getting the discount code using it buying your product, loving your product and forgetting about your brand, they can now use a discount code buy your product love your product and then they won't forget about your brand. Because now you have a direct line of communication with them. They're now a part of your email list and you can send them emails. That relationship between you and them so you're no longer just a brand that the influencer collaborated with. They're now a brand that they know and that they're beginning to really become a loyal customer of okay. code

The third and last way it's the most popular way I've seen brands use and that's using a coupon code. Coupon codes are really simple and easy I think we all know how to use them most website platforms like Shopify. They make it really easy for you to just create one and launch it on your website. With coupon codes, you just want to specify like the time frame that the coupon can be used, for how many times they can be used.

I really recommend you using all these three ways. Because those three ways give you all the good juicy data. If you like doing research and stuff like that that is a gold mine. You can further nurture them. That was three ways that you can track your influencer campaigns. They're all super easy simple by assistant by tool like Omnitrack. If you really want to make sure that you're doing influencer marketing the right way for your brand so you can really see success.